Saturday, May 05, 2007

Our World is Becoming Unhinged

“Democrats in America are evenly divided on the question of whether George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. Thirty-five percent (35%) of Democrats believe he did know, 39% say he did not know, and 26% are not sure.”

I wonder sometimes if in 5 or 10 years time we’ll be having a debate about how the US govt planned a nuke attack inside the US to impose martial law.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if 5 or 10 years from now if we'll be saying they were correct.

Anonymous said...

Of course we will. It's all part of the world Zionist neocon conspiracy.

Lips Mahoney said...

Wake up America!

Anonymous said...

You guys know about this, right?

Mark said...

The Rummie-Hussein hand shake appears way too often online in comments sections.

This usually tells you a few things about the person commenting.

1) They know that Hitler was a really, really bad guy.

2) They know that Rummie is a really, really bad guy. (or so they think)

3) They don't want to have to think, so the picture is the surrogate.

Godwin's Law says that the longer an online discussion goes, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis and Hitler approaches one.

Must we now have something akin to Godwin's Law for Rummie?

Mark said...

That 35% of Democrats who believe that "Bush Knew", are those who populate Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, YouTube, Craigslist and assorted other fever-swamps of deluded non-thought.

The "Nutroots", if you will.

Lips Mahoney said...

Well, that's what BushCo would like you to believe, that this poll represents some fringe element. But this is actually the only sane "reality based" community that is willing to reject their lies and imperial agenda.

Mark said...

Yeah, if "reality based" is equivalent to "do whatever it takes to achieve your political ends".

Which, come to think of it. It is.

Mark said...

More here...

Lips Mahoney said...

Wow. That was almost as good as homemade english muffin pizzas.

Mark said...

Almost as good as this post?....