Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Down the Memory Hole

Look at them... happy, content with each others company, unknowing of the forces controlling the information which shape their consciousness. Information that is helping to build a future utopia!

Enter six men --all foreign-born and described as "Islamic militants"—that have been arrested on charges of plotting to attack Fort Dix army base in New Jersey. These men planned to use automatic weapons to kill as many US soldiers as possible, prosecutors say.

But a day or so after this story comes to light, you'd be hard pressed to find it mentioned by any of the mainstream news organizations. It's like it never happened. It is now outside the public consciousness, or at least should be as far as those pulling the levers behind the mainstream media’s curtains are concerned.

However distracted, let’s remain focused. CNN is reporting as one of its top national stories that a Steakhouse refuses to serve O.J. Simpson.


Mark said...

You know, this is only partially related, but don't you find that these same quislings who fail to adequately report events such as this and who trend left, politically, are in ranks with that 11% of the Dem's base, who not only believe that "Bush Knew", but that they also believe that Bush and his administration "speak in code"... all at the same time, these folks and their ideological bretheren give the benefit of the doubt to "let's nuke the Jews" Mahmoud Ahmendinejad...for certainly, he's either a rational actor, or forced into a corner by an imperial presidency hellbent on GLOBODOOM™ domination.


Got all that?

Good, 'cuz that's all I got.

Lips Mahoney said...

Got it. I think we've returned to pre-modern times.

Mark said...

Nothing's so retrograde as a diner which refuses to serve OJ.

Sheesh, what's next, Soy Milk?

Lips Mahoney said...

We'll never hear about this story again, guaranteed.