Monday, May 07, 2007

MARXISM 2007: A Festival of Resistance

Hello children. If you want to learn about and organize for a new world of peace, freedom and liberation, then don't miss :

With really alert, super-visionary guest stars!

Zafar Bangash
Wahida Valiante
Ausma Malik
Peter Leibovitch
Ali Mallah
James Clark, International Socialists

...speaking on subjects like, "Life under capitalism", "Indigenous resistance", and my personal favorite, "Building unity: Muslims and the Left".

One of the special speakers is listed as a "trans-activist".



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a party. Who's bringing the jello shots?

Lips Mahoney said...

I believe that's the role of the "trans-activist".

Mark said...

I want pie.

Mark said...

Can their actually be one single person in that mass that honestly cares what happens to Iraq?

Lips Mahoney said...


Mark said...

Then it's final.

Unless there are some trans-humanists in there who've yet to speak out.

Let's just call it "compassionate progressivism".

Anonymous said...

[Dizzied, still unable to log in]

I heard a good commentator on the radio this morning discussing the lack of seriousness of most protesters (generally on the left, though occasionally on the right). He contrasted a couple of folks with "Impeach Bush" signs sitting in a park of a nice, "blue" Mass. town to Rosa Parks and the genuine political and legal agendas of the civil rights movement.

Nihilistic self-indulgence was not high on Ms. Parks' list.

Lips Mahoney said...

Dizzy, are you kidding me? How can Rosa Parks compete with this?

Mark said...

Well, because of their morality, someone said...

Hegelian historicism and all of its varied offshoots are dependant upon the false premise that differences in economic status are the result of coercion and/or theft. It’s as if the concept of selecting seed from the most productive plants in the field to plant for the next crop was totally unknown to Hegel (and subsequently to Marx). Both men showed remarkably limited powers of observation, particularly when one considers their fervor in assigning concepts derived from natural science such a place of prominence in their justifications of their delusions.

Having reached the false conclusion that all dissimilarities in economic outcomes were due to some type of “theft” having occurred, the great moral leap was made to the position that it was moral to use coercion to steal those unjust gains right back - and distribute them “equally” (with a small cut to those in charge of the measuring process).

It might have been “logical” (in a very perverted sense) but you have to be of the “two wrongs = one right” camp to make any “moral” claim.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, can't follow the link. Was it for zombies against Bush?

Mark said...

Zafar Bangash!!!!!!

Free Zafar Bangash!!!!!!


Wait a sec, who's Zafar Bangash?

Anonymous said...

A personal account from the festival:

Rather than focus on the evils of capitalism, the unlikely top billing of the opening night of the festival was devoted to a discussion about building unity between Muslims and the left; the keynote speaker was the controversial Islamic thinker Zafar Bangash, director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, who is in the news these days because he is in the midst of a heated battle to open a mosque in Newmarket — not because he wants to see a dictatorship of the proletariat.Desperate for new brothers in arms, Marxism appears to be doing some serious social networking. If this weekend’s series of workshops at the festival is any indication, Marxism has a disparate cadre these days: green activists, the anti-war movement, the transgendered, members of First Nations, traditional Islam.

Inclusiveness is the buzzword here, where the members of this hodge-podge gathering can be overheard calling each other brother and sister. Participants call this membership drive “building unity,” a much-repeated mantra throughout the opening night. Self-proclaimed Marxist James Clark, who helped organize the event, said that while there are disparate groups in attendance, they can all still rally around a slogan like “Out of Afghanistan and into Kyoto.”

Mark said...

Zafar Bangash Brings the Troops Home with Green Energy and Red Jihad.