Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Congressional Job Approval

We've been hearing for forever and a day how President Bush's approval ratings are in the tank. We've also been told that Bush' poor ratings are a reflection of a public sentiment for change on “failed” policy. If that theory holds true, then one must imagine that the lower public approval rating for Congress is a thorough rejection of their platform as well.

So, with all things being equal, I'm looking forward to the media's non-stop harping on how the numbers on Congress are now subterranean:


That is, provided all things are equal. What's that you say? You can't find mention of these poll numbers anywhere?


Mark said...

The media is too busy trying to sink Guliani. They're scared to death of him. Must paint him as a "false conservative" to wedge him away from his lead.


Mark said...

Wretchard posted this link and I think it's related to this post in that it's a vision of what's to come in America....


Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I wonder if the following has a lot to do with it.

In the scope of an indvidual Congressman, it doesn't matter as much. Congressmen should only care how they poll in their district.


Half almost half of Congress is Republican. Do all the Dems feardistrust the republicans and half the Reps hate the Dems.

I chose only to trust my mother

Mark said...

Trust in this...
