Tuesday, July 03, 2007

"Peace Democrats"

"During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the Copperheads nominally favored the Union but strongly opposed the war, for which they blamed abolitionists, and they demanded immediate peace and resisted draft laws. The Democratic platform followed the Peace wing of the party, calling the war a "failure." They wanted Lincoln and the Republicans ousted from power, seeing the president as a tyrant who was destroying American republican values with his despotic and arbitrary actions."

See any parallels to the political situation today in regards to the war?

This, too, is amazing:

"On May 1, 1863, former Congressman Vallandigham declared that the war was being fought not to save the Union but to free the blacks and enslave Southern whites. The Army then arrested him for declaring sympathy for the enemy. He was court-martialed and sentenced to imprisonment, but Lincoln commuted the sentence to banishment behind Confederate lines. "

Clearly, the Patriot Act has nothing on Lincoln:

“During the Civil War, Lincoln appropriated powers no previous President had wielded: he used his war powers to proclaim a blockade, suspended the writ of habeas corpus, spent money without congressional authorization, and imprisoned 18,000 suspected Confederate sympathizers without trial.”


Lips Mahoney said...

Well, that's just the thing. In hindsight, we can say that the Civil War was a necessary war, but at the time, Copperheads didn't believe that.

If we see Iraq through, as we need to --it's critical, and we reap the benefits on so many fronts, how will Harry Reid, Murtha, and peace democrats plead?

Mark said...

They'd speechify like this...


Anonymous said...

And this, kids, is why we have history...

Anonymous said...

As with the Battle for Mosul, which I held in near monopoly for about five months during 2005, the most interesting parts of the Battle for Baqubah are unfolding after the major fighting ends. But as the guns cool, the media stops raining and starts evaporating, or begins making only short visits of a week or so.

Anonymous said...

NEVER compare Lincoln to this jackass we have in the white house now. Never.

"The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of REBELLION or invasion the public safety may require it."

That's the constitution, baby. Lincoln was RIGHT, Bush is WRONG. Period

Lips Mahoney said...

Ok, and uh... Bush suspended habeas corpus exactly when?

Lips Mahoney said...

CNN's latest headline:

"U.S. touts progress as Baghdad bomb kills 10"

With headlines like this, can they be any more cynical and slanted in their reporting?

Lips Mahoney said...

Headlines from 69 yrs ago:

D-Day: Allies Tout progress as casualties estimated at 10,000, including 2500 dead.