Wednesday, July 04, 2007

"I'm so tired of America" by Rufus Wainwright

"I don't particularly like this country either."

"We are stuck in this never ending jingoist meme, where even the most innocuous self-examination is considered treason. Our President is clearly a bully and a moron - and no one seems to notice."

"I truly hate my fellow Americans - we are lazy, greedy self-indulgent warmongers."


Mark said...

I really like his singing voice.

His song..."My phone's on vibrate for you" is hilarious and beautiful... but, of course, this has little to do with the artist's statements about America... statements which he'd of course, never have to act on by say... moving to France.

I'm a songwriter too.

Rufus, you sodomite, how I tire of your whining.

Rufus, you lover of men, how empty is your pining.

O' Rufus, when will you cry?

Lips Mahoney said...

I like his voice too, what little of it I've been exposed to.

However, my new song is titled "I'm so tired of urbane bohemians who think they’re above it all”

Mark said...

How about an American who was previously a Constitutional Law and Civil Rights litigator in NYC?

He's jabbering on about the "tragic collapse of America's standing in the world"....

All that "Bush radicalism", you know.

Dan Collins blogged this one a good beating.