Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Brave New World

Good news everyone! I’ve decided to do the right thing concerning my bleak cultural heritage and interconnected benefits. It's the pragmatist in me: if it doesn't work, ditch it and move on to something else that does. That's why I’m going to move back into a pre-enlightenment state of nature. Yes, no longer will I reside in the realm of ideas; it will be enough to be a person who isn't engaged enough to do the critical thinking and is satisfied with being indignant instead.

Why the change you ask?

Simply put, I’ve grown so weary by the lack of progress this civilization has made in the last 400 years. We haven’t yet put an end to such things as human need, loss, and pain, and so, it must be considered a dismal failure, certainly nothing to honor or be thankful for. Besides, I’m so sick of being chased away from the polling stations by the political opposition armed with machetes that it’s no longer worth the struggle.

Won’t you join me?

Be honest: In order to maintain some sense of personal integrity, you should be willing to hold yourself accountable to your beliefs by actually disassociating yourself with a society so disgraceful and instead begin construction of your new world within your new unconstrained freedom.


Lips Mahoney said...

Chocolate is old world, you get to keep that. And coffee too.

Anonymous said...

I can't take that picture. It's to sad.... and I usually laugh at anything!